出典: 近畿大学 2015年度(平成27年度)推薦入試(一般公募)11月22日実施分 Ⅲ
Ⅲ 次の各英文の空所に入れるのに最も適当な語句を,ア〜エから一つ選べ。
13. Paul found ( ) smiling at the thought of his new baby.
ア.himself イ.it ウ.some エ.such
14. I am jealous of Linda because you are ( ) kind to her.
ア.more too イ.much too ウ.too more エ.too much
15. Would you mind ( ) where you worked before you came here?
ア.for me to askイ.me to ask ウ.my asking エ.that I ask
16. ( ) you were late for the meeting with the important client?
ア.For what イ.How come ウ.Since when エ.Why not
17.I think the latest movie is the ( ) exciting by that director.
ア.least イ.poorest ウ.smallest エ.worst
18. Mary paid ( ) little money she had to the landlord for a deposit.
ア.all イ.how ウ.some エ.what
19. It was (
) George could do to support just himself when he was in his twenties.
ア.all イ.only ウ.that エ.which
20. ( ) you win first prize in the lottery, what will you do with the money?
ア.Could イ.Might ウ.Should エ.Would
13. Paul found ( ) smiling at the thought of his new baby.
ポールは気がついた。( )が微笑んでいることに。彼の新しい赤ちゃんのことを考えていると。
ア.himself イ.it ウ.some エ.such
14. I am jealous of Linda because you are ( ) kind to her.
ア.more too イ.much too ウ.too more エ.too much
私は嫉妬する。リンダに。なぜなら、あなたは親切( )からだ。彼女に。
15. Would you mind ( ) where you worked before you came here?
ア.for me to askイ.me to ask ウ.my asking エ.that I ask
嫌(気にしま)ですか。( )することを。どこであなたは働いていたか。ここにくる前に。
16. ( ) you were late for the meeting with the important client?
ア.For what イ.How come ウ.Since when エ.Why not
17.I think the latest* movie is the ( ) exciting by that director.
ア.least イ.poorest ウ.smallest エ.worst
*late: あとに→どんどん後に→一番あと→最新の
→私は思う。最新の映画が( )おもしろいと。あの監督による。
The movie is the worst.
The movie is the least exiting.
18. Mary paid ( ) little money she had to the landlord* for a deposit.
ア.all イ.how ウ.some エ.what
メアリーは支払った。( )少しのお金。(関係詞省略)彼女が持っていたお金。大家に。保証金のために。
* landlord: theが付いているので名詞だ、程度の認識で十分。
19. It was (
) George could do to support just himself when he was in his twenties.
ア.all イ.only ウ.that エ.which
20. ( ) you win first prize in the lottery, what will you do with the money?
ア.Could イ.Might ウ.Should エ.Would
( ? )あなたが一位を勝ち取ったら。宝くじで。なにをしますか。そのお金で。
lottery: 文脈で十分(後文のwith the money)